Jika sesudah Install Assassin's Creed diminta untuk memasukan Account Uplay/Ubisoft, maka harus memasukan nama dan password untuk login, cara yang lain adalah Install Crack Server offline Assasin's Creed 2
1. Download Crack Server offline, copy dan paste link
Link: http://gf.wiretarget.com/assassins_creed_2.htm
Download "Assassins Creed II Offline Server v0.44.1907 [7.1 MB]", file kedua dari atas
2. Setelah mendownload, Buka file winrar "Assassins Creed II Offline Server v0.44.1907 [7.1 MB]", terdapat 4 file.
3. File pertama adalah "AC2ServEmu0.44-One-Click-Install.v1.0.1.5.rar ", buka file tersebut lalu KLIK "INSTALL AC 2 CRACK.EXE", lalu Install.
4. File kedua adalah "offlineserver-v0.44.rar", buka file tersebut lalu klik "EXTRACK TO" kedalam folder UbisOFT Game Launcher
*Folder UBISOFT Game Launcher
C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher
5. File ketiga adalah "UbisoftGameLauncher 118 crack.rar ", dengan cara yang sama, buka file tersebut lalu klik "EXTRACK TO" kedalam folder UbisOFT Game Launcher
*Folder UBISOFT Game Launcher
C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher
6.File keEmpat adalah "values_by_bcl_1907_no_errors.rar ", buka file tersebut lalu klik "EXTRACK TO" kedalam folder Assassin's Creed II
*Folder Assassin's Creed II
C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Assassin's Creed II
7. Untuk membuka game Assassin's Creed II, buka folder Assassin's Creed II, klik "Play ACII"(jangan pada aplikasi"AssassinsCreedII" dan "AssassinsCreedIIGame") , Aplikasi ini akan membuat Offline Server dan membuat account tersendiri untuk membuka Game Assassin' Creed II pada Ubisoft/Uplay login.
*Jika Tetap Tidak Bisa Membuka GAME ASSASSIN'S CREED II, sangat dianjurkan Install ulang File Pertama yaitu "AC2ServEmu0.44-One-Click-Install.v1.0.1.5.rar ", buka file tersebut lalu KLIK "INSTALL AC 2 CRACK.EXE", lalu Install.
*Always 1 last thing:
"Vittoria agli Assassini!" (Victory to the Assassins!)
Kamis, 24 November 2011
Senin, 07 November 2011
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood DLC: The Da Vinci Disappearance

Cara download dan Install Assassin's Creed Brotherhood DLC: The Da Vinci Disappearance
1. Download Bit-Torrent
2. Install
*Download Assassins Creed Brotherhood SKIDROW patch 1.01
- Update Patch 1.01
- Crack Patch 1.01
- Assassin's Creed Brotherhood DLC: The Da Vinci Disappearance + unlocker
1. download torrent -> Download this torrent
2. Klik torrent yang sudah di download
3. klik download
*Install Assassins Creed Brotherhood SKIDROW patch 1.01
1. Setelah mendownload, klik folder Patch 1.01 -> klik patch 1.01(dalam bentuk winrar) -> Install ac_brotherhood_1.01_online.exe
2. Klik folder crack 1.01 -> Klik SKIDROW ACB 101(dalam bentuk winrar) -> copy dan paste crack ke folder Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Extrack)
(C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Assassin's Creed Brotherhood)
3. Klik folder DLC Unlocker -> Klik DLC Unlocker and save(dalam bentuk winrar) -> terdapat 2 file: ACBROTHERHOODSAVEGAME1.SAV dan OPTIONS, COPY DAN PASTE ACBROTHERHOODSAVEGAME1.SAV(jika perlu) dan OPTIONS ke dalam folder save game Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Extrack)
* 2 kemungkinan FOLDER save game Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
- C:\Users\(YOUR USER NAME)\Saved Games\Assassin's Creed Brotherhood\SAVES
- C:\Users\(YOUR USER NAME)\AppData\Local\Ubisoft\Assassin's Creed Brotherhood\SAVES
*Untuk jaga-jaga:
sebelum copy dan Paste OPTION(PATCH 1.01) ke dalam FOLDER save game Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
copy OPTION yang asli terdapat dalam FOLDER save game Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
1. OPTION (Patch 1.01) digunakan Untuk membuka mission The Da Vinci Disappearance
2. ACBROTHERHOODSAVEGAME1.SAV adalah data save game Assassin's Creed Brotherhood 100% complete
3. Buka game Assassin' Creed Brotherhood akan muncul Mission The Da Vinci Disappearance bergambar "garis melingkar bersayap malaikat"
*1 last think:
"We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins. Nothing is true, everything is permitted"
Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011
Homefront (2011)

In 2013, one year after the succession of Kim Jong-Il, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reunites North and South Korea to form the Greater Korean Republic. The influence of China and the United States decline in the face of continued economic stagnation and a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia disrupting Middle Eastern oil supplies, while Europe is cut off by a Russian-Ukrainian "mutual interest" deal. As the United States withdraws overseas troops to deal with domestic instability, including the Texas secession debate and an outbreak of bird flu known as the Knoxville Cough, the Greater Korean Republic annexes Japan and several Southeast Asian countries. By 2022, the United States faces extreme economic turmoil and massive social unrest. Finally, in 2025, a satellite, launched under the cover of a program to replace the decaying Global Positioning System, detonates a high-altitude nuclear weapon resulting in an electromagnetic pulse over the continental United States. The destruction of above-ground electronics across the country is followed by Korean invasions of Hawaii and San Francisco, paratrooper deployments across the Midwest, and the irradiation of the Mississippi River to divide the United States, leaving the American military isolated and scattered.
Protagonist Robert Jacobs, a former Marine Corp combat helicopter pilot, is awakened in his make-shift house in Montrose, Colorado and ordered to a re-education camp in Alaska for failing to answer occupational military draft-notices. The bus carrying Jacobs to a detention facility in Montrose is ambushed by American resistance fighters Connor Morgan and Rianna. Jacobs is led to Oasis, a resistance hideout founded by local state patrolman Boone Karlson. Boone, Connor, and Rianna are aware of Jacobs's background as a pilot and recruit him to help recover fuel for the US military in San Francisco. Boone initiates the operation with himself, Jacobs, Connor, Rianna and Hopper, a Korean-American technical expert.
They plan to steal several tracking beacons in a school used as a labor exchange facility by contacting an "inside-man" named Arnie. However, Arnie betrays the team to in order to protect his children, forcing the team to kill the contact and eliminate all forces in the camp. They discover a mass grave and narrowly escape Korean reinforcements by hiding among the bodies. Shortly after Jacobs, Connor, and Rianna succeed in locating the trucks and planting a beacon on one of them, Connor and the team return to Oasis only to find that Boone and all of the inhabitants of the Resistance base have been discovered and killed by Korean troops. They narrowly escape with other Colorado resistance fighters by breaching the fortress wall used to keep people trapped in the town by destroying their own semi-autonomous attack vehicle named Goliath.
Jacobs, Connor, Rianna and Hopper are able to escape from Korean forces within Montrose with information that a useable helicopter is located in a survivalist encampment in Utah. The team infiltrates the camp and manages to steal the helicopter, pursuing the fuel convoy nearing Carson City, Nevada. With the convoy successfully hijacked and Jacobs providing air support, the team continues their trek to San Francisco where they deliver their jet fuel to aid the U.S. military in their attempt to liberate the besieged city.
As the guerillas and American forces close on San Francisco they succeed in taking most of the city via the Golden Gate Bridge despite encountering heavy Korean resistance and taking heavy casualties. Nearing the other side of the bridge, the team finds itself outnumbered when a large Korean convoy tries to push the combined Resistance/American forces back across the bay. Outnumbered and with little other choice, Connor advances towards the convoy with a flare and orders an air strike, sacrificing himself in the process to allow the remaining forces to proceed in taking the bridge back. The news of the operation is then reported by the British media, reports that American resistances fighters join U.S. military forces. The San Francisco offensive attack proves to be a turning point for American forces against the Korean occupation with the European Union calling for an emergency meeting to aid the Americans
Medal of Honor (2010)

During the opening days of the invasion of Afghanistan, Tier 1 operators of a Navy SEAL squad from DEVGRU, call sign Neptune, composed of operators code-named Mother, Voodoo, Preacher and Rabbit are sent to meet with an Afghan informant named Tariq, who has intelligence that the CIA is interested in retrieving. Neptune is ambushed by Chechen forces, and fights their way through the village to recover Tariq. Shortly after extraction, Tariq informs them that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda have a significant force composed of 500 to 1,000 combatants in the Shah-i-Kot Valley. Neptune is tasked to secure Bagram Airfield with a contingent of ANA soldiers. By March 2002, the airfield is re-purposed as a forward operating base by NATO forces. U.S. Army Colonel Jimmy Drucker commands all local assets, is shown as a cautious, competent officer, in contrast to his commanding officer, General Flagg, who works in an office in the United States and is ignorant of the AFO teams' role in the operation. While Drucker plans to use Tier 1 operators to reconnoiter insurgent positions in the valley and ANA soldiers to eliminate them, Flagg is mistrusting of the locals and gives the Colonel a 24-hour deadline to deploy the 10th Mountain Division, the 101st Airborne Division, and U.S. Army Rangers.
Meanwhile, Tier 1 teams are inserted into the area to perform reconnaissance and coordinate fire support. AFO Wolfpack, consisting of four Delta Force operators code-named Panther, Vegas, Deuce and Dusty eliminate enemy positions in two small villages and travel to their observation point "Clementine" while Neptune does the same to "OP Dorothy". After completing their mission ahead of schedule, Drucker sends ANA soldiers to eliminate several insurgent positions. Flagg calls in a rage, and unknowingly orders an AC-130U crew to open fire on friendly forces. The surviving ANA forces panic and withdraw, leaving the Colonel no choice but to deploy the Rangers as ordered. During insertion into the Sha-i-kot Valley, the Rangers come under heavy fire and a Chinook is shot down. The Rangers are pinned down by heavy machine guns, so a fireteam led by Sergeant Patterson consisting of Specialist Dante Adams, Corporal Hernandez and US Air Force Enlisted Terminal Attack Controller (ETAC) Tech Sergeant Ybarra flank the enemy positions and destroy the machine guns. They move to secure another landing zone, but are ambushed by insurgents, who arrive in overwhelming numbers. Surrounded, and running out of ammunition, Ybarra radios Bagram for reinforcements, which arrive in the form of a pair of AH-64 Apaches, facilitating the Rangers’ extraction. The Apaches move through the mountains destroying a Taliban armory and enemy mortar positions. As they return to base, a Taliban Anti-Aircraft Gun attempts to destroy the helicopters; however, the gunner is killed by Deuce.
Deuce and Dusty move up the mountains and ambush enemy patrols and mortar teams, providing sniper support for Neptune, who is in heavy contact on the adjacent mountain, Takur Ghar. Neptune withdraws over the ridge line, and fights their way to the extraction point. Mother and Rabbit make it to the helicopter, but the Chinook lifts off early due to heavy enemy fire, leaving Voodoo and Preacher behind. Defying orders to return to base, Mother and Rabbit re-insert, barely escaping death when their Chinook comes under fire. They evade hostile patrols while searching for Voodoo and Preacher. However, the two operators are eventually compromised and forced to jump off a cliff in an attempt to escape, with Rabbit sustaining multiple gunshot wounds in the process. Both suffer injuries and are captured by insurgents. Back at Bagram, Colonel Drucker attempts to organize forces to extract Neptune. Wolfpack is too far to provide assistance. General Flagg refuses to risk additional losses, and only assigns an AC-130U gunship, which can only stay on station for 15 more minutes. Drucker defies orders and sends in a Ranger Quick Reaction Force to extract Neptune.
The Chinook is hit by heavy fire, three Rangers and a crew member are killed, and four more are injured. After securing the crash site for the wounded and medics, Hernandez, Ybarra, Adams and Patterson head for the mountain pass. Hernandez is wounded while attempting to find an entrance of a spider-hole and Ybarra brings him back to the landing zone. Adams and Patterson link up with Preacher and Voodoo and continue searching for Mother and Rabbit. After the four of them together assaulted two enemy strongholds with the help of a CIA Predator drone, they eventually locate the two missing operators tied up in a remote bunker, who were tortured by the insurgents. Rabbit is dying as his teammates evacuate him. The team calls for extraction, but the nearest helicopters are flying from Kandahar, some distance away. Rabbit's condition worsens and, despite his squad-mates' attempts, he succumbs to his wounds before extraction arrives. The seven survivors are safely extracted, along with the remaining Ranger QRF. While observing a pair of F-15Es bombing the remaining insurgent bunkers, Preacher collects a rabbit's foot charm from Rabbit’s body, with Mother and Preacher noting that the war is far from over.
The game ends with a scene of two undercover operatives, sitting on a street in a Pakistani town, conversing with each other in the Pashto dialect. As they converse about the quality of the tea they are drinking, they identify a man they are looking out for and stand to approach him.
Battlefield 3 (Di liris Tanggal 25 Oktober 2011)

Battlefield 3 will feature the maximalist combined arms battles that made the series popular across single-player, co-operative and multiplayer modes. It will reintroduce several elements absent from the Bad Company games, including fighter jets, the prone position and 64-player battles on PC.[4][5] To accommodate the lower player count on consoles, the ground area will be limited for Xbox 360 and PS3, though fly space will remain the same.[6]
During an interview with GameInformer Magazine, EA stated that Commander Mode is unlikely to be included,[7] which was met with some criticism on the EA forum.[8]
The game will feature maps set in Paris, Tehran, Sarajevo, Sulaymaniyah, New York, Wake Island and Oman. As a whole, combat will take place in urban streets, metropolitan downtown areas, and open landscapes suited to vehicle combat.[9]
Players will be able to use vehicles during the campaign, but their use will be limited.[10]
Set in 2014[11], the player will take on the role of Staff Sergeant Henry 'Black' Blackburn and Marine Sgt. Miller. The former is a member of the United States Marine Corps deployed along the Iran-Iraq border while the latter takes part in a tank battle near Tehran. [10] [12] SSgt Blackburn leads a five-man squad on a mission to locate, find and safely return a US squad investigating a possible chemical weapons site, whose last known position was a market controlled by a hostile militia. After engaging in several gun battles, Blackburn and his squad are caught in a massive earthquake whose epicenter is in Iran. Brief shots from the campaign trailer depict an aerial view of a war-torn city, a column of M1 Abrams tanks being attacked by cluster munitions, and an aerial dogfight between US and Russian fighter aircraft.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (2010)

The game begins in October 1944, as a group of US commandos infiltrate an Imperial Japanese Navy-controlled island in the Sea of Japan as part of "Operation Aurora". They secure a Japanese scientist who was working on a secret scalar weapon codenamed 'The Black Weapon,' and escape the island on a submarine. However as foreshadowed by the scientist's warnings the commandos witness the weapon being fired and perish from a resulting tsunami, sparking a myth within the U.S. Army.
In the present day, Privates Preston Marlowe, Terrence Sweetwater, George Haggard, and Sergeant Samuel Redford fight in Russia in an attempt to secure a scalar weapon device. Despite evading Russian soldiers and completing the mission successfully, the device is discovered to be a fake. Impressed with their previous activities, Army General Braidwood has the squad transferred into the Special Activities Division and assigns them on a mission to contact Agent Aguire, much to the disappointment of Redford who had hoped to retire after the last mission.
The squad travels to Bolivia in search of the agent, and after many firefights they eventually save Aguire. Aguire sends the squad to get his intelligence detailing scalar technology from a French satellite that can be controlled from a base in the Andes Mountains. Sweetwater crashes the satellite and the squad successfully defeat a Russian counter attack aimed at destroying it. Marlowe soon finds the data server and proceeds to go down the mountain during a blizzard while dodging Russian patrols, and is soon extracted by the others.
During extraction, Aguire briefs the squad about a man responsible for rebuilding scalar weaponry, Arkady Kirilenko, a Russian Army colonel the squad failed to eliminate in Russia, who is believed to be hiding in Chile. The squad, aided by U.S. forces, find Kirilenko, though he again escapes. Left with only Kirilenko's papers, Sweetwater discovers there is a shipping manifest for an abandoned ship called the "Sangre Del Toro." Aided by the rest of the squad, Marlowe finds the ship and retrieves a compound essential to the use of the weapon, while also finding out the truth behind Operation Aurora - the US military knew it was a suicide mission, and the operation was instead an exercise to learn more about the weapon's power.
While attempting to meet Aguire in Ecuador, their helicopter is shot down and the squad becomes separated. Along with their helicopter pilot, Flynn, they regroup and escape the local militia. Redford gives Aguire the compound before finding out that Aguire double-crossed the squad by allying with Kirilenko. Aguire reveals he wants revenge against the United States for what happened to his father, one of the commandos involved in Operation Aurora. Despite this, Kirilenko betrays Aguire and kills him. Before he can kill the squad, however, Flynn intervenes and saves the squad at the cost of his own life.
The squad is mourning for Flynn when they hear Kirilenko talking through a guard's radio. Marlowe kills the guard, and the squad proceeds toward the city of Quito. Here, after battling squads of Russian troops, Marlowe and the squad find a large cargo aircraft that is believed to house the scalar weapon. This is confirmed as a powerful electromagnetic pulse is suddenly released, disabling all electronic equipment in the city except the aircraft. Everyone except Marlowe becomes disheartened, but he encourages them, and the squad infiltrates the aircraft as it takes off. After a firefight to reach the cockpit, they find it empty. The squad returns to the cargo bay to find Kirilenko attempting to fire the scalar weapon again, now high over the southern United States. With the help of explosives from the plane's armory the squad access and destroy the scalar weapon.
The explosion sends the aircraft plummeting, forcing the squad to bail out, but Kirilenko grabs the last parachute before Marlowe. In free fall, Marlowe kills Kirilenko, allowing Sweetwater to rescue Marlowe. The squad lands in Texas, Haggard's home state. Shortly after, General Braidwood arrives to inform them that they are to aid the U.S. Army against the incoming Russian invasion that recently passed through Alaska and Canada, much to the squad's disappointment.
Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010)

On February 25, 1968, SAD/SOG operative Alex Mason is strapped to a chair in an interrogation room. Unaware of his whereabouts, he is bombarded with questions by his unseen captors about the location of a numbers station. Most of the missions in the game are presented as the flashbacks of Mason between 1961 and 1968.
In 1961, Mason, Woods, and Bowman attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro during the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba as a part of Operation 40. Mason apparently succeeds in the assassination, but their exfiltration goes awry, with Mason staying behind to protect the extraction plane. He is captured by the real Castro, having shot a double. Because of an alliance with the Soviet Union, Castro hands Mason over to General Nikita Dragovich. Mason is then held captive at Vorkuta Gulag for two years. During his imprisonment, Mason befriends Viktor Reznov, a former Red Army soldier. Reznov recounts to Mason the identities of those involved in Mason’s torture: Dragovich, Lev Kravchenko (his right-hand man) and Friedrich Steiner, an ex-Nazi scientist who defected to the Soviet Union. All three share a connection to Reznov: in October 1945, Reznov, Dragovich, Kravchenko, and Dimitri Petrenko were a part of a unit sent to locate Steiner, hiding with a unit of the SS in the Arctic Circle. During the operation, Reznov was betrayed by Dragovich, who used Steiner's creation, a nerve agent known as "Nova-6" on Petrenko. Reznov was spared the same fate when British commandos attacked the Russians. During the confusion, he destroys Nova-6. However, it was later recreated by Steiner and a British scientist named Daniel Clarke for the Soviets. Shortly afterward, Reznov is imprisoned in Vorkuta. Mason and Reznov spark a prisoner uprising to escape the gulag, but only Mason escapes.
One month later, President John F. Kennedy authorizes the assassination of Dragovich.
In November 1963, Mason, Woods, Bowman and Weaver are dispatched to Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Kazakh SSR to disrupt the Soviet space program and eliminate members of the Soviet Ascension program, Nazis who had been given sanctuary in Russia in exchange for their knowledge. At the start of the operation, Weaver is captured and Mason sees Kravchenko torture him, stabbing his left eye, but Mason and his team later rescue him, while still destroying the Soyuz spacecraft as well. Dragovich eludes assassination, prompting Mason to search for him over the next five years. By 1968, the MACV-SOG was established in Vietnam to investigate the Soviets' presence. After defending Khe Sanh, the SOG is deployed to Hue during the Tet Offensive to recover a dossier with information on Dragovich from a Russian defector. The team recovers the dossier, while Mason encounters Reznov, who is revealed to be the defector. The SOG then penetrates Laos to recover a Nova-6 shipment from a downed Soviet plane. At the crash site, they are overwhelmed by waves of Viet Cong and Spetznaz soldiers, eventually getting captured. Mason and Reznov escape, but Bowman is executed and Woods dies while killing Kravchenko.
Meanwhile, Hudson and Weaver interrogate Dr. Daniel Clarke, the engineer who stabilized Nova-6, in Kowloon. Clarke identifies Steiner as part of the conspiracy, and reveals the location of a hidden facility in Mount Yamantau before being killed by Dragovich's men. Hudson and Weaver head to Mount Yamantau to destroy the facility and apprehend Steiner. During the mission, Hudson receives a transmission from Steiner requesting to meet him at Rebirth Island in the Aral Sea to learn how to halt a numbers broadcast that would send instructions to sleeper agents to release Nova-6 gas in American cities. Mason and Reznov head to Rebirth Island to assassinate Steiner. In the present, Mason is adamant that Reznov executed Steiner, but Hudson had witnessed Mason carrying out the deed. At this point, Hudson and Weaver are revealed as Mason's interrogators. Hudson realizes that Dragovich brainwashed Mason to understand the numbers broadcasts, effectively becoming a Soviet sleeper agent. Out of options, Hudson deliberately sets Mason free in order to follow him. It is revealed that the real Reznov died during the Vorkuta break out, and Mason’s visions of Reznov are a result of a dissociative disorder caused by the traumatic brainwashing program. Reznov had, in fact, reprogrammed Mason to assassinate Dragovich, Kravchenko and Steiner instead of President Kennedy prior to the Vorkuta breakout. Hudson plays the numbers recording for Mason a final time, prompting him to remember the location of the Russian cargo ship Rusalka off the coast of Cuba.
By dawn, the team launches an assault on the Rusalka, with Mason and Hudson infiltrating an underwater broadcast station protected by the ship, a Soviet submarine station intended to be used as a staging point for US invasion after the planned Nova-6 attack. Confirming that the Rusalka is the numbers station, Hudson calls in the US Navy to destroy the ship and its underwater base. Mason and Hudson finally find Dragovich in the lower levels of the facility and manage to kill him before the destruction of the base, swimming for the surface during the destruction of the targets. Weaver declares victory, but Mason is unsure, haunted by his last conversation with Dragovich.
Archive footage of President Kennedy prior to his assassination are shown, with the broadcaster and Mason narrating random numbers. After a second play-through of the archive footage, Mason's appearance in the crowd, as well as Dragovich's final words, suggest that Mason followed his original programming.
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